Is technical support available for both administrators and students during the exam process?
Yes. Unlimited support for administrators and Tier 2 support for [...]
(314) 968-5129
AppointLink Reduced Grading Time by 92% for Cardozo School of Law
Yes. Unlimited support for administrators and Tier 2 support for [...]
The application integrates seamlessly with our Mylaw Application.If using SSO [...]
Yes. The solution integrates with TurnItIn to automatically perform similarity [...]
25MB is the maximum file size. Acceptable file types include [...]
Yes. Students can update the exam at any point in [...]
Students typically submit their exam to the Registrar or exam [...]
No. Students may see an upcoming exam but are prevented [...]
The solution uses the latest security technologies and complies [...]
The process automatically removes meta data from the submission and [...]